Sunday, February 23, 2014

The One Where I Subway Surf

Or rather, 
The One Where I Force Life Lessons From Playing Subway Surf.

I never buy into crazes. Mainly because I don’t have much money [Baduuumtsssh!!!]. But also, because I like to be unique.

Nope. No that’s not true. I’m your typical blender-in.

Think it’s because I like to silently watch and mock people obsessing with IG (#SELFIE)

and technology

 and #Hashtags (hashtag: I Love Hashtags).

So when Angry Birds, then Temple Run, Candy Crush and now Flappy Bird were (still are?) the craze, I played Snake, Solitaire, Animal Kingdom (on paper. know what that is?

) and now Subway Surf. I know. Ancient times.

So as I play the game, I tend to zone off and contemplate on life as, you know, I run away from cops and dogs and into suspended coins and parked trains. So here’s what I learnt.

1)           Jetpack backpacks exist and are really cool. But they run out of fuel and you crash land. In that sense, living up in the clouds is alright but eventually your fuel and drive run out, and you’ll crash land. So stay down to earthß I’m so proud of myself for thinking this up all by my lonesome.
2)         Giant magnets are really cool and will make you very rich ß no deep meaning here. Scientists: Get Us Those Magnets!!!
3)         Money really does make the world go round. Even in game world.
4)         Cops CAN be uncorrupt

5)         In life, the further you go, the faster you gotta run. That’s a very deep statement.
6)         We are, and always will be, who we are. And will always be identified as that. Really. That kid running, maybe he wants to give up vandalism graffiti and become an artist, or lawyer, or just stop running and take a swim in the Miami waters, or visit the Big Ben in London. But nooo. Everyone knows him as a runner. And so, he’s gotta run. And that’s who he is.


7)         He still smiles. They always smile. Even when they’re held upside down by a disappointed cop. Or when an angry dog barks below them. Or when they’re hit by a train. Or when they come across an obstacle (helps though that they get to start again whereas if a train hit one of us in real know..umm…well you know we’d die and not be able to start again. this uncomfortable?

So you with the nappy hair or the skin issue, or the weight problem or family drama, or the haters all around you. That’s who you are! Fine, try to get outta whatever you’re not happy with but also, smile through it.

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