Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The One With The Perks Of The Job

Why do I do what I do?

Well, I didn’t get shortlisted for NASA as I’d hoped and dreamed. And I was too grossed out by cats to be a lion trainer.

Also because of this.

Disclaimer: This is mainly as a Kindergarten teacher. If some of these, like number 2, apply to you as a teacher of A-level, perhaps take yourself to jail.

1)      Free hugs

This mushes me to bits!!! I’m like Oatmeal here...or Weetabix…or Uji…or a healthy beetroot and potato smoothie...basically-mushed!

(If you don't get the above it means YOU'VE NOT READ MY PREVIOUS POSTS!!!!!!!! Ultimatum: read it here or read it here. AND THAT'S FINAL! Thanks)

2)      Free kisses

Those can be awkward especially in this day and age of weird paedo-type people(and when the tots conveniently miss my cheek O.o) but I love it :-* (..p.s. teachers get some errday :-D :P)

3)      The sweet sentiments in broken language-“I missi you, you have missi me?”..”your hair is pretty”.."Who give you earrings?" “I love you a lot”..

4)      The teeny shoes

Foot painting with these guys is one of the activities that ensures my self esteem has to be intact.

(Obvious Confession: I've always had gargantuan sized feet and always felt the need to explain that. Especially to shop keepers. Who don't believe me when I tell 'em my shoe size and insist on bringing me a size 5 glass slipper-"Homie I'll break that thing worse than Cinderella and her sisters"<<--that's my attempt at back-talk) (I now realize it really is just an insult to myself) (runs off to Brazil)

Or I could really use my foot to illustrate that big-foot (see what I did there?) is actually real :'D.

5)      The milestones reached. No more crying, a full sentence spoken (sorta), potty training complete (sorta), colouring inside the line, counting 1-10... So all that repetition is EPIC! And working. It's very fulfilling.

I don't even know how to begin translating this...

6)      Hearing yourself in them (the good stuff, not the slipped curse wor..I mean slipped footing). Giving each other time out, hugging classmates when they are crying, attempting to change diapers (while theirs are full).

That's a 2 and a half year old to a 2 and a half year old. Like the blind leading the blind!

7)      The laughs-these guys are born comedians. From the things they say, to the random stuff they do.
I purposely did not put an illustration for this so that you follow me on twitter for day to day updates. Enyewe I've tried to market myself here. Still, to be Kenyan is to be UNASHAMED (or as we say, shameless). @gathy_gath :)))
8)      Their humanity: even kids have good days, and bad days. It’s interesting to see how they’re moody one day, angry the next. Telling on others the next, and ravenous the next. They’re like little versions of us huge people.

9)      The bright side of life. Everything through a child’s eyes is novel, beautiful, special, FUNNY. 
Birds, dogs, flowers, grass, sand, slides, a floor, that they can roll on, a toilet, that they can stick their head in.
 If big people were like this-we’d have no depression in the world. 
And no divorce :-D. 
Or we’d all just be 24/7 stoners O.o.

10)   Their hearts. Fat, thin, black, white, rich, poor, they all play together.

Sadly this starts changing in upper-primary and highschool, and completely goes downhill in adulthood. And only when you’re 80 and all wearing adult diapers and using walkers is when you go back to loving equally. Sucks. But that's the darned truth.

But, also because there’s always this guy..

Jeez. I’m gonna probably have to make a part 2 of this list *wipes tears* *eats oatmeal* because it's mushed :-D

1 comment:

  1. LOVELY!!!!! Everyone should love their job in a similar manner.
