Sunday, October 13, 2013

The One With My Twinnie

Once upon a time, 23 years ago, twins were born…

To different Parents. And on different months. But nevertheless they were born. And they were twins. In a sad turn of events they were separated at birth, but they were reunited about 11 years later, and have been inseparable since<<have.
This twin has gone on to be an inspiration. Anything she wants to do, she does…and there are A LOT of things she wants to do. She’s a singer/songwriter. A dancer. An artist. A Jeweller. A Writer. A creative generally!

She has a brilliant mind

and pretty eyes, and locks to dye for (see what I did there). She is strong willed and fights for what she wants, but has a heart of awesomeness that just cares for her friends. Cooks a mean honey-glazed chicken and loves her tea. She’s hella funny, hella witty, and hella fun! Oh and she speaks fluent Australian :-D

There’s this one time many years back, the twins’ two siblings underwent a very, VERY unfortunate incident. They were carjacked. This spelled fear in the hearts of the parents and the older siblings, who sat by the phone the whole night beside the fireplace awaiting feedback from the cops. The twins were sent to their room as they were young and...I guess..needed their sleep?(yes, even at such a moment of crisis parents will not forget a child’s curfew).

Whilst in their room, one twin was slightly puzzled and sad as to the state of events going on in the adult world, and so the other twin decided it would only make sense to cheer her up.

And that she did. 

Using only the bedside lamp, she proceeded to entertain her twin with grotesquely scary and innacurate shadow monsters that resulted in muffled snorts of laughter from her twin.

Thankfully, when the twins’ older siblings were found safe and sound, and the house was filled with cheers and tears, the twins begrudgingly left the bedroom, mastered tears and hugged their siblings, eager to go back and continue with their crazy story on crocodiles, dinosaurs and ducks.

A memorable night (amidst unfortunate events) it was.

Some of the reasons I love my twin..brings the smile to my face!

(and also..she knows too much)