Thursday, November 8, 2012

The one with the Projectile Vomit...

I work for kids! 

Precisely the 1 and a half to 3 year old type.

Yes,those lil guys are my employers. If they're not happy..NO ONES HAPPY!! Its nerve wrecking never knowing your bosses next move..and not just because their fine motor skills and balance are not fully developed. I can never anticipate what they'll say next. Mainly because they don't quite speak..err..language. Can you see how difficult this would be?

 However,I'm fortunate that these particular bosses aren't all that bad. I mean they started off moody and weepy; nothing I did made them happy. But now we're well on the way to being best friends. I mean,how many of you get to hug and kiss your employer in the morning, and randomly throughout the day? If your hand is raised, put it down and file for harassment. That's gotta be illegal somewhere! 
How many of you get to nap when your boss is napping,and not just cover for them when a client walks in? How many of you get to see your boss in their funny undies? Again,if you have-please QUIT NOW-get a lawyer-SUE! There's something wrong with where you work o.O 

Also, I get to see & hear pretty amazing stuff. Some gross,but mainly amazing! And the most amazing thing is what these Lil Men & Women teach me. Daily!....Today,its that projectile vomit exists(hence how it got its name). Shocked was I when one minute I'm holding lil girls hand(we'll call her M),the next there's a jet of her lunch spewing in front of her,kinda like Iceman's ice bridge which he slides along(if you don't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about, log out now and don't talk to me ever. OR just find out who Iceman is here). 

Its a pretty crappy pic but HEY that's
the Iceman I remember
So pre-projectile incident,lil girl was evidently struggling. Problem is she doesn't speak language so I had no clue why she was fussing and crying, until of course she threw up. Then it hit me! No,really it did. And I'm not sure I can wear these shoes again. So it got me thinking about God, as these kids often do. 

Psalm 139 was broken down proper here." have searched me & you know me...before a word is on my tongue you know it completely..test me and know my anxious thoughts". Lil M must have wished I already knew her thoughts,so that when she was gargling out her sentiments,I would have already known she was trying to scream "I GATTA BARF". 

When she was frustrated I'd already be working on her cure,which in this case would be a brown bag. And me standing 5 metres away! 

When she was doubled over in pain and couldn't speak,I would still hear! 

When she couldn't understand what was going on as she clutched her round tummy,I'd already be rubbing her back in comfort-because I'd already know.

And we're lucky that with our limited speech,in our frustration,as we wail & weep,and eventually barf-HE already knows. He already understands. And he's gotchu! 

God's always got the brown bag ready..:-). 

Incase you're wondering-Lil M was rushed to hospital. And is recovering. My shoes never made it though..:'(

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