Saturday, November 30, 2013

The One With The 'Perks' of Dating a Teacher

I always see nice lists all over the internet entitled

‘The cons of dating a guitarist,

‘How does it feel to be a Chef’s wife’ 


‘Why you should date a reporter’. 


So I searched the nets to look for a list on ‘Reasons to date a teacher’, and found MAAANNY reasons (yay Net), most of which were wanting (boo NET). 

So, I decided to compile a list of my own of the perks of dating a teacher, from a teacher’s Point of View.

Here’s the original list I got from this 'ere website:

Here are 15 reasons to date a teacher:

1. They’re conversationalists. All day long, teachers work to connect with students of all kinds of backgrounds, intellectual levels and work ethics.
2. Teachers can charm parents. They meet with them a lot, and know how to put people at ease. Date a teacher, and you won’t have to stress about the inevitable meet-the-parents dinner.
3. Teachers adapt quickly, whether it’s welcoming new students or embracing new curriculum. Change doesn’t faze them.
4. Teachers can explain the same thing in a variety of ways until a point is made effectively, making sure that miscommunication doesn’t hurt the relationship.
5. Teachers are patient. At least the good ones are.
6. Teachers are great with kids. So if you’re looking for the parent of your future kids, a teacher is a great candidate.
7. Teachers are up on the latest lingo and pop-culture trends. If you want to know what’s hip with kids these days, your date will know.
8. They have the summer off — and all holidays.
9. Coming up with fun, creative solutions to problems is part of their day job. Teachers make problem-solving fun!
10. Teachers have great — and predictable — hours. You can plan consistent date nights with ease.
11. If you had a crush on a teacher as a youngster, now’s your chance to finally date one — legally.
12. Date a teacher and you’ll be dating someone who is shaping future leaders. Yes, your date is super-influential.
13. Teachers don’t tolerate bullying or intolerance. They stand up for those around them.
14. Everyone has a favorite teacher they look back on fondly. You’re likely dating someone’s hero.
15. You’re a respectful, mature adult. At the end of a crazy week, your presence will be a welcome break from adolescent angst.

So cute, but really you know, not entirely true. And according to the internet, apparently we’re this:

Here’s a true depiction of that list.

1.    Apparently we have meaningful adult conversation because we interact with kids from different cultures all the time and when the chance comes, we love grown-up intellectual convos.
2.   We really don’t. Really, we work with KIDS all day long. The only convos we have go like “W0rrZ@p Miz G G, wot da FCuk is dis?”. Yeah, very intellectual.

3.   Apparently we can charm parents coz we deal with parents daily.
4.   Ermm...we’re teachers not super beings. Meeting the parents is still the same, if not scarier.

5.   Apparently teachers are good at explaining the same thing in several ways in order to communicate effectively.
6.   That in a relationship is called Nagging, no?

7.   Apparently were patient.
8.   PAHAHAHH!!! seriously weren’t your teachers some of the most impatient people ever?

9.   Apparently we ask straight forward, real questions and would never beat around the bush while dating, because we’re teachers.
10.               You must remember conversations like...
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: errmm..
Teacher: I don’t want to hear any excuses”.
Students complain that nothing that was taught is on the test.
Teacher:it’s not my job to teach everything that will come on the test.
Teacher: You, what are you doing?
Student: Sir I’m..

11.  Apparently we love kids.
12.               Teachers hate kids.

13.               Apparently we care loads for ‘moulding the future generation’ so much so that pay doesn’t matter.
14.               Laughs.

15.               Apparently we have loadsa ‘free’ dating time (good hours)
16.               We do, but everyone else doesn’t.

17.               Apparently we’re cool, trendy and stay in touch with the latest ‘lingo’.
18.               Laughs again.

19.               Apparently we’re respectful, mature adults who like respectful mature adult time.
20.              Are you not reading this blog?

But Hey!! Atleast 11.689% of teachers are pretty, and not fat, old or wear dusty old tweed coats and teacher pumps. 5% are dating. 98.333% are married. And 2% are sorta rich/cool/doing well for themselves/not weird. And the other 0.15% have a blog.

So I have hope?

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