Sunday, July 28, 2013

The One With The Scariest Job In The World

My job can be the scariest job ever. Not just because I hear things like,


But also because kids are the most fragile,delicate clients one can ever have. They're also the most energetic clients,putting their fragility at an even bigger risk. 
It’s like having a very invaluable piano player, with insured hands,

Slash Rugby Player..

 With ADHD

and a tendency to want to put his hand(s) inside of a meat grinder

whilst dangling off a tree.

Just because he's can. That's a child for you.

(and some people say they’re cute..!!)



I digress..

One particularly scary story I remember..
There's this boy I taught once,a particularly extra fragile, invaluable boy who also had an extra dose of energy. One day after playtime he came to class all red faced and sweaty,as per the norm,and we all went in class for the next session. I had to step out to look for a lost sheep,so I left the children under the watchful eye of the assistant teacher.

Fast forward>> I find the lost child & were walking back to class as I reprimand him for getting lost, when I hear running footsteps,and a scream.

"Gathoni..Gathoni..!" I look up & see the assistant teacher carrying that same redfaced boy-except he's now redfaced, unconscious and frothing from his mouth.

Now you picture you, and what you would do in such a situation...

Me: *calls on God, gets on next bus to airport, sneaks into planes cargo holder, lands wherever I can,shaves head & bleaches skin, sells nuts by roadside, owns multimillion nut selling empire called,'They're nuts,you're nuts,we're all nuts",never goes back home'*

I grab the limp boy & rushed him to the sickbay. Vaguely remembering his mum telling me he has asthma, I ask the receptionist to call his mum as I try administer air through the inhaler.

He’s still unconscious.

Totally panicked now! On the highest end of the panic chart!

I begin to remove his clothes because he feels feverey when I notice his jaw is shut tight. So I attempt to pry it open, each try resulting in him clamping down HARD on my finger.

Still..he's unconscious!

I then begin to cool him off with a cold compress(read his wet t-shirt). I notice that each attempt at prying his jaw open is easier, and eventually he takes in a deep gulp of air and..CRIES. And my God wasn’t that cry the best sound I've EVER EVER heard!!!

So he's sobbing weakly but thankfully now breathing,cooling down and sitting on his own.

His mum came shortly after and rushed him to hospital.

Drama doesn't stop there. His mum comes back at hometime & STORMS to where I'm standing-amidst other parents-and begins hurling insults at me. 
P.S she's from a Non-English speaking country so it was a mix between hilarious and scary.

I felt small.

But she brought him back after a week and explained the condition that he has-one where he'll constantly get unexplained fevers and so will need constant monitoring. And now her and I are now BFFs.



Not really.

Not at all even.

But she's cool.

And the boy is fine too.

And has never gone unconscious on me again.

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