Saturday, May 18, 2013

The One Where I Don't Get Weddings

So I happen to see the four and above year olds re-enact various wedding scenes during recess..scenes varying from:

(If only it were that uncomplicated, and didn't involve the in-laws and getting to know each others' gross flaws)


“ill marry you then 6 minutes later ITS OVER”(again..if only-you haven’t met lawyers yet)(true story by the way. Little girl was on a make-believe phone having this convo with her make believe boyfriend. He’s lame though for proposing via phone)..

These sandpit weddings got me thinking of real life weddings, and how lame they are, and how i just don’t get them...especially in these here parts of the world...WEDDING ARE JUST NOT GETTABLE!!
So i got to wondering WHY I don’t get weddings..

1)      They’re supposed to be a celebration
Whenever I ask why weddings happen and why we have weddings and why weddings are lame people always tell me: “weddings are fun. They’re CELEBRATIONS. We’re supposed to have fun and celebrate. It’s like a big party!” Except its not! They’re the opposite of fun. Coz they’re not.

Parties are truly fun..people dance, people sing, people hug, people eat cake, drink and are merry, people talk animatedly and have fun.

At weddings, our dancing is lame, nobody listens to singers, our hugs are lame air kisses, we barely get cake, we don’t drink and aren’t merry, when we talk merrily someone’s great aunt is shushing us>>that’s not a celebration, that's a lame-bration..

2)      They’re expensive
Still on the story of parties..if someone proposes to me that I should have a party, and I think..”hmm,I really really want a party bad & can’t wait a whole year to have a party”, I’d really just whatsapp  a bunch of people over, wouldn’t decorate the house,  dish out a deck of cards, ask ‘em all to bring their own whatevers, and have a great fun party in my pjs! No Expenses Whatsoever! There wouldn’t be any meetings to plan the party-like why are we meeting to plan the party, that’s what Whatsapp is for. We wouldn’t be worried that someone invited someone else unexpectedly, because that someone else would just bring a bag of crisps and the party would continue..

But really, a wedding..with all the pre-weddings, post weddings, after weddings, honeymoons, thankyou cards, and the “celebration” itself..bloody expensive outfits, rented cars (really, do we rent cars to go to work? Or to go to church? THEN WHY TO WEDDINGS??),

rings-who needs rings-we know we’re married,innit?,the food..jeez the food,that’s a whole other story..

3)      They involve flowers
I’ve noticed flowers play an UNNECESSARILY HUGE role in weddings..

 I don’t get it.

 Basically, if you were to have a party-the simple BYOB poker party, would flowers play an important part of it?..

4)      What are we wearing?
Why are we standing so long?
Why are they rehearsed?
Why does my outfit cost Ksh.35,000/-? And it’s rented? And I’ll wear it only once?
Why do my shoes hurt?
Why do I have fake nails?
Why is my hair super-glued to my face?
Why do we stand? At parties i don’t stand-I either sit or dance, but why am I standing-especiallly if I’m the “guest-of-honour”?
Why do we rehearse? Is this a play?
Do we rehearse the simple BYOB poker party?

5)      There are old people
“Shhhh..”, hisses some old lady. “Krrrr, have some respect..”,spits some old man. 

Who are they and why are they there? 

Apparently, we’re related, and they matter, and they travelled ALL THE WAY from a location that’s UN-GPS’ABLE in a van that YOU PAID FOR to stay in a hotel THAT YOU PAID FOR to attend a wedding THAT YOU PAID FOR to eat lame food THAT YOU BOUGHT which ALL THE OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE DONT LIKE to sit on SPECIAL SEATS RESERVED FOR THEM that YOU PAID FOR even though YOU DON’T KNOW THEM to SHUSSHHH your REAL FRIENDS who have come TO TRULY CELEBRATE YOU AND PARTY not BE OLD. DO YOU NOT SEE THE RIDICULOUSITY OF THIS WHOLE SITUATION????

6)      They’re SOOO long
Okay so parties are generally long. They generally last all night long. Because they’re fun.

School lasts a particular duration, with each lesson being scheduled for a shorter period of time. Work is also structured to an average period of time..generally. That’s because those two things are BORING.

So why weddings cause you to read the entire bible, and write your own short commentary-I Don’t Know! THEY’RE LIKE A GAZILLION YEARS LONG!

7)      Everybody’s fighting
At parties nobody fights. Okay, I lie-drunk people fight, dumb people who don’t like their faces fight..but at weddings>>that grand aunt & her grander sibling are fighting because they want you to sing a particular song and dance in a particular way..*FACE PALM*

8)      Nobody’s having fun
Have I not been talking for the past number 1 to 7..?

9)      Food-sigh..where do I begin, the lines, the lack, the grossness, the awkwardness, the solutions:
a)      Pizza for all
b)      It’s just a couple of hours..who will seriously malnourish and faint after a couple of hours without food??>>that grand aunt will, which brings me to ask again-WHY IS SHE THERE?

10)   They're lame!!!!

fine print:if any parties have been/will be/force themselves to be offended by any statement in this post and/or are planning to have a wedding and/or are reading this at a wedding and thinking WHAT NOT TRUE my apologies. 

finer print:No bride/groom was hurt in the making of this.

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