Jambo jambo Citizens of Whichever country you are reading this from (this is me hoping le blog is international:))
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WHAT?? Valentines day already passed? |
So this post was written during Valentines day week-so if it seems a bit backdated just mentally go back 2 weeks, its not hard...promise to be up to date with international calender events from now on. Or just pull an ostrich and force y'all to go back with me.
Enjoy :))
I've had conversations with people; not quite sure who, not even sure if these are real convos or imaginary ones, can't quite remember when,where and with who I had these particular conversations. But I insist..
I've had conversations with people on their past dating lives. These said friends would say things like,
"I first dated in Kindergarten",or
"My first boyfriend was amazing. His name was Daddy Dennis" *was he a pimp?-is all I thought*.
P.S. Daddy Dennis is a true part of my Toddler dating years. Story for another blogpost.
Anywho now that I'm back in Kindergarten..
---OOOH maybe I should introduce myself like that to strangers,
Them:so what do you do?
Me:well,I'm repeating kindergarten for the 3rd year straight. This time hopefully I'll count 1-6 :-D and finally get this potty training thing down..---
Me:well,I'm repeating kindergarten for the 3rd year straight. This time hopefully I'll count 1-6 :-D and finally get this potty training thing down..---
I digress.
Its a necessary trait for the job.
What with the A.D.D and all.
Mine. Not theirs.
Oooh an aeroplane!
OH yes,now that I'm back in KG,I can see how young love can leave a lasting impression on a person. Your true true first love. Baby love,let's call it. Forget those people who say they met their first love in highschool. HIGHSCHOOL?? By then you already have a series of exes. Trust me. Or just ask your kindergarten teacher. I observe from the mantel that's my desk the interpersonal relationships between the lil tots,chuckle some and learn some more.
2 year old.
Still learning the ropes with potty training.
Not quite fluent with language.
He loves him his yellow ladies,& treats them with extra special care-helping them with their shoes because he can't help himself with his.
Previously,he fancied the brown Lil M,always showin his affections by running to kiss her in the morning(way to be forward)or hitting her over the head with a toy spade. Now Lil M has been left in the dark(corner)because we now have a greener, or rather lighter, pastures.
An older woman,a year older to be precise.
She goes potty by herself
Speaks almost fluent language,in a lovely British accent(so this older women thing..its true huh?).
DATE 1: Classroom
The two hit it off immediately, giggling away together, tidying up together. Lil O grabs Lil N's hand and twirls (pushes) her in a romantic (unromantic) dance to some slow (nursery rhymes) jams.
DATE 2: Playground
The two are always running off to some mischief together. She helps him up the slide, he pushes her off it-match made in heaven.
The two slowly build a lovely bond-a lovely mix of naughty and exasperating. I often find them*be ready to gasp*..sliding!!!!!!!WHEN ITS NAP TIME!!!! That's grounds for expulsion..:-D. And that means its definitely official between the two now. Atleast in Kinder eyes :)))
Lil O is a typical man around her. Hitting her over the head with any item he can find,dancing with her,always tryna sleep next to her..<NOTE I wrote next..what kinda blog you think this is>. Lil N is a typical girl,slightly jealous,always talking about him,prays for him..no really..apparently her dinner prayers always have,"..and bless Lil O..":O.
So their love was growing. And budding. But Lil O is not one to settle..he sees lighter skin & off he goes. After a weekend away,I noted that Lil O wasn't quite so taken by Lil N as usual..she ran to him,he ran away,she hugged him,he pushed her,she was aghast..and here was the convo they had(with me being mediator/translator)..
Lil N: Lil O are you my friend?Lil O ignores & kicks the ball.
Lil O stops & stares,then continues with what he was doing.
Me: Lil N what's wrong?
Lil N: Lil O not talking to me..
Me: that's because he doesn't talk hunny
Lil N: huh?
Me:*sighs* Lil O are you Lil N's friend?
Lil O:*distractedly*friend..
Me:I see what you're doing there(which was basically that he was repeating after me,which is all he ever does)
Lil N:see he's my best friend.
Me:*laughing*who's your best friend? Him? (pointing at the guy looking under Brownskins dresstop)
Lil N: Lil O is my best friend.
SMH. Watches Lil O running to grab Brownskin's shoes. Uh oh.
Lil O isn't always there for Lil N. He forgets about her,he plays with other girls' hair,but always at naptime-he knows who to lie next to.
Lil N gets frustrated. She tries to communicate with Lil O but he doesn't listen,she wants to be affectionate-hold his hand,meet the parents-but he shys off. But always,she knows she can count on him to hit her with a spade. I don't get it but she does.
Baby love. So fresh. So sweet. So pure. It doesn't matter whether he ignores you or not. It doesn't matter how much she nags you. All that matters is that at the end of that long day,you're still bestfriends. Happy Valentines day all y'all brown skinned ladies. For the darkies-TOUGH!
-See I told you it was backdated. But too bad you already read it. And it doesn't hurt to celebrate Valentines day twice in a year(in a month for that matter)-
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a nice cliche to end it all with:)) |
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