Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Introducing this new thing on my blog, 'What Kinda Person Are You', where I subtweet people who annoy/ have annoyed me regarding a certain matter..oh,sorry, I meant where I fairly analyze societal trends and topics.

So,M-pesa. Ah, M-pesa! The brilliance that is Kenyan modern technology! Money right there, handy and available, in your phone. You can pay for services with it, buy goods, perform bank transactions, pay back your uncles loan when he’s all the way in Maralal without you getting your lazy butt of the seat, make poor shopping decisions on a whim because you “have some mpesa” in your phone, go to the doctor, do your hair, eat, drink, and be merry.

So we’ve all been in these situations before..

So what does your M-pesa say about you as a person though? Let’s see what what you send means when you’ve been asked for Ksh. 500/-.






Please send me M-pesa so I can buy more imeisha! Part 2 to be continued. Soon. I’ve not promised when. Same way I’ve not promised whether Part 2 will actually be delivered.